SDL Funding Allocation

SDL Funding Allocation

1. What is the SDL funding allocation?
The SDL funding allocation is a portion of the IOM budget allocated by the Organization to the Staff Development and Learning team which falls under the Int...
Fri, 11 Aug, 2023 6:18 AM
2. Who receives funding allocation from SDL?
SDL funding allocation is given to ROs, HQ Departments and some HQ Offices for sole purpose of supporting the learning initiatives of as many staff members ...
Fri, 11 Aug, 2023 6:18 AM
3. What can SDL funding allocation be used for?
SDL funding should only be used to fund learning and development activities of IOM staff. For example, it may be used to shoulder the costs of: • Part...
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4. What should it not be used for?
SDL funding should not be used to: • …support individual learning needs of auxiliary staff (i.e., non-staff like consultants, interns, etc) • …finan...
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5. Can individuals access the allocation?
Yes, the allocation may be granted to support individual requests for funding to participate in an external training on the condition that the learning oppo...
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6. Does SDL need to approve individual learning requests for funding support?
No, SDL does not need to approve this. Rather, the RO
Fri, 11 Aug, 2023 6:18 AM
7. We do not have training plans this year, but we will have a lot next year. Can we save the amount this year and add it to our allocation next year?
No. SDL allocation can only be used within the calendar year it was distributed. It cannot be carried over to the following year.
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8. What is the timeline for spending?
Funds must be committed in PRISM before 30 October otherwise, they will be re-allocated by SDL to other learning initiatives. Commitments should be ex...
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9. What are needed to receive SDL funding?
A call for training plans is normally sent by SDL to RRMOs, RDs and HQ Department Directors in December, for submission by the first week of February of the...
Fri, 11 Aug, 2023 6:18 AM
10. What is the profile of participants who can access this allocation?
SDL funding is meant to support the learning initiatives of IOM staff only. It excludes auxiliary staff (interns, consultants, etc). The profile of IO...
Fri, 11 Aug, 2023 6:18 AM