What is LLL?
LinkedIn Learning is a new virtual learning resource available to IOM staff members as a complement to existing tools already on offer, including I-Learn (IOM's learning management system). Widely used within the UN system, LinkedIn Learning offers a vast library of videos, courses and playlists covering areas like Human Resources; Analysis & Strategy; Management & Leadership; Career Development; Training; and Information Technology.
Who has access to LLL?
All IOM staff members have access to LinkedIn Learning. Note that you need to complete at least 30 minutes of learning every month via LinkedIn Learning to maintain access to your account. Inactive accounts will be reallocated to other staff members by SDL.
Why do we need to use our IOM credentials to log into LLL?
A staff member has to use their IOM credentials to access LinkedIn Learning as Single Sign-On (SSO) has been enabled to provide seamless access and avoid you having to remember additional usernames and passwords.
I purchased my own personal LLL account.
Can my learning certificates on the IOM LLL account be linked with my personal LLL account? In this initial pilot phase, this is not possible as IOM-sponsored access to LinkedIn Learning is associated with one's IOM credentials (IOM email address). Therefore, you would not be able to associate your learning record with your personal LinkedIn profile. Should this option change in the future, SDL will keep you informed.
If I go on SLWOP, will I still have access to my IOM LLL account?
Why is my access to my IOM LLL account revoked if I do not clock in the specified number of learning hours? As communicated, staff need to complete at least 30 minutes of learning every month via LinkedIn Learning to maintain their access. If this is not done, SDL would need to revoke the licence to ensure that access to paid learning resources are used effectively for supporting organisation-wide professional development.
Will I still be able to access my IOM LLL account even if I rotate to another mission/role?
Yes, you will retain access to your LinkedIn Learning account sponsored by IOM regardless of your duty station as long as you have an active staff contract.
Since we are logging in to LLL using our IOM account, is it possible to link this account to our personal LinkedIn account in order to share achievements and certificates?
In this initial pilot phase, this is not possible as IOM-sponsored access to LinkedIn Learning is restricted to using one's IOM credentials. Therefore, you would not be able to associate your learning record with your personal LinkedIn profile. Should this option change in the future, SDL will keep you informed.
Why don't we have the option to log in using our personal account?
Access to LinkedIn Learning is being provided for the first time to IOM staff in 2021. As we are in a pilot phase, access has been enabled via Single Sign-On using one's IOM credentials and not via one's personal LinkedIn profile. This will be reviewed further during the pilot phase and SDL will keep you informed about any developments/changes.
Do I need to send my certificates to my Personnel Administrator?
You are not required to email completion certificates from LinkedIn Learning to either SDL, HR focal points or to your Personnel Administrators. These are for your personal reference. However, you are encouraged to upload these certificates as "external training" in your I-Learn transcript to ensure that your learning records are maintained in one place for easy access/reference. Please watch this video on how you can do this: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/b55ba448-f078-4b84-9c17-9be2c7f6c4ab
Is there a technical support platform or assistance available?
Yes, LinkedIn Help serves as a dedicated resource provided by LinkedIn, aimed at providing guidance, solutions, and comprehensive information on optimizing platform usage. If you encounter queries or require assistance, LinkedIn Help offers a collection of answers and tutorials to enrich and streamline your overall LinkedIn journey.
Access to LinkedIn Help.
Happy learning!
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