The IOM PSEA training (in-person or webinar) is mandatory every three years. The IOM PSEA micro-modules are mandatory to complete once per year.

IOM PSEA Training 
(face-to-face: 6 hours)

IOM PSEA Training 

(webinar: 2.5 hours)

IOM PSEA Micro-Modules

(6 online modules: 10 minutes each. Total of 1 hour)

When is the training offered?

Delivered based on IOM PSEA Trainers schedule/regional and country office needs (as required)

Webinar sessions are delivered by the PSEAH Unit. PSEA webinars are on pause for the summer but will start again from September 2022.
IOM PSEA Trainers (Focal Points) in regional and country offices have their own training delivery schedules.

Instructor-led: Face-to-Face Instructor-led: Webinar Self-paced online
Delivered by

IOM PSEA Trainers (offered by your regional PSEA Focal Points or country office PSEA Focal Points)


Contact your Regional and Country Offices’ PSEA Focal Point for more information on trainings delivered specifically for your regional office/country office.

Delivered by IOM PSEAH Global Unit Trainers or IOM PSEA Regional or Country Office PSEA Trainers. 


Contact your Regional and Country Offices’ PSEA Focal Point for more information on trainings delivered specifically for your regional office/country office.

Available on I-Learn (IOM staff) and E-Campus (for interns, consultants) at the below links. 


Languages available

Arabic, English, French and Spanish 

(depending on the trainer, more languages may be available)

By the PSEAH Global Unit Trainers: Arabic, English, French and Spanish 

By IOM PSEA Regional and Country Office Trainers: depends on the language spoken by the trainer; materials are available in multiple languages

 English, French, and Spanish

 How do I take the training?

Please contact your Regional or Country Office Focal PSEA Focal Point to learn about when face-to-face PSEA trainings will be scheduled and how to register. 

The IOM PSEAH Global Unit organizes webinars periodically and once the new schedule is available, an email will be sent to all Regional Directors, CoMs/HoO, and all PSEA Regional and Country Office Focal Points, and HR staff in all the offices globally with the dates and languages, as well as the links to register. A new schedule will be sent in September 2022. 


When IOM PSEA training webinars are scheduled you may also register for the webinar delivered by using the below links: 


Once you receive the schedule in September 22, please register at the below links in your preferred language and time zone. 


  • IOM staff register via I-LEARN here


  • IOM interns, consultants, secondments, third party contractors, register via E-Campus here


To register for IOM PSEA webinars delivered by IOM PSEA Trainers in your Regional or Country Offices, please contact your PSEA Focal Point.


To take the IOM PSEA online micro-modules, please click on one of the links below: 



  • IOM interns, consultants, secondees, third party contractors, and partners must register via E-Campus in English, French, or Spanish. If an enrollment key/code is requested during the registration process, use PSEAMM-IOM-2022