There are no eligibility criteria for staff to access self-paced language learning on I-Learn. However, interested staff must meet the following requirements to be considered for the UN Premium Licence:
Staff who are required to perform their work in a specific language.
Staff on rotation or who are being transferred to a country whose official language is either English, French or Spanish.
Staff who need to strengthen their language skills in one of the three IOM official languages.
Staff holding a Regular, Fixed-term, Special fixed-term, or Special short-term (graded and ungraded) contract.
Staff who have completed at least 12 months of continuous service with IOM and are foreseen to remain with IOM for at least six months after completing the programme.
Able to commit an average of 1 - 2 hours of learning per week for a period of 6 months.
Must have basic Internet connection at the location where the course will be taken.
Staff can join the SDL Yammer for further information.
For more information, click here to view all FAQs on the Language Programme or click here to ask a question.
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